Terms & Conditions

Welcome to GhostWritingAssociates. By choosing to collaborate with us, you are acknowledging and agreeing to our terms outlined below:

Information Collection and Updates:

We may collect personal information from you through our website. To receive updates about our services, it is your responsibility to periodically log into our 360 Project Management Portal, maintain a valid mailing address on file, and remain subscribed to our mailing list with a valid email address.

Terms of Service and Author Bill of Rights:
Author Code of Conduct:
GhostwritingAssociates’s Rights and Obligations:
Additional Considerations:

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Author Your Way to Bestsellerdom!

Upto 51% off
on high-end ghostwriting services
for creating your next best-seller.

Your Bestselling Book will be published
on all leading platforms!

Our team has established partnerships with various platforms to ensure successful publication of your book. Our experienced publishers are dedicated to delivering top-tier publishing services tailored to your needs.

Ghostwriting associates’s
customers say about us

From Brilliance to Bound
Pages: Is Your Masterpiece Primed for Publication?

  • Cover Designing & typesetting
  • Video Book Trailers
  • E-book Publication
  • Audiobooks
  • Publishing Services
  • Web Design & SEO