Privacy & Policy

This privacy notice applies solely to information collected by this website. It outlines our practices regarding:

  1. Information Collection, Use, and Sharing: We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have access to information that you voluntarily provide via email or other direct contact. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone. We will use your information to respond to you and will not share it with any third party outside of our organization.
  2. Your Access to and Control Over Information: You can opt out of any future contacts from us at any time. You can also request to see, change/correct, or delete any data we have about you, or express any concerns you have about our use of your data.
  3. Security: We protect your information offline and ensure that only employees and contractors who need the information to perform specific jobs are granted access to personally identifiable information.
  4. Payment: Personal information collected to process your order is handled by our third-party credit card provider ( or Square).
  5. IP Address and Cookies: Non-personal information like your IP address is recorded for server diagnosis and site administration purposes. Cookies are used on this site to enhance user experience and collect usage statistics.
  6. Product and Service Information: We make every effort to accurately describe our services and products but do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the content on this site. Please contact us if you feel that any discrepancies exist.

If you believe we are not abiding by this privacy policy, please contact us immediately via telephone at ----or email us at ====

Confidentiality and Ownership: All communication and content developed or reviewed for working together will remain confidential. We reserve no rights to the products and services we provide, and everything we edit or write is considered the sole property of the client.

Originality: All original content developed for a client will be plagiarism-free and properly cited if inspired or researched from another source.

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  • Web Design & SEO